Media centre | Fertiliser spreader

AXIS | Disc spreader

AXIS top class fertiliser spreader

AXIS fertiliser spreaders offer safe, convenient and economical operation in every performance class. You choose the size, drive, metering technology and digital equipment based on your requirements and wishes, and make the perfect decision for the future of your business in every case.

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Sibbershusum's experience with the AXIS 30.2

Sibberhusum, or Stefan Hansen, shares his experiences with his AXIS 30.2 in his YouTube video

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AXIS experience report

Simon Breder reports on his AXIS H 30.2 EMC +W experience.

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AXIS practical test with practical test set

If you want to feed your plants efficiently and according to their needs, you have to pay attention to a few things. Increasing working widths mean that the requirements for the product quality of the fertiliser and the correct setting of the fertiliser spreader are becoming ever more important.

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Practical test set PPS 5

With the RAUCH practical test set PPS 5, the lateral distribution can be checked and corrected quickly and easily in the field. This means even more safety and precision when spreading, especially with fertilisers of poor quality, problematic throwing properties or of unknown origin.

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Dosing precision thanks to SpeedServos

With our unique SpeedServos, we achieve superior response speeds on all AXIS M EMC ISOBUS spreaders and AXIS H EMC spreaders.

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EMC regulation

EMC is the innovative system for regulating the spread rate. The unique, side-accurate automatic metering system controls and measures the fertiliser flow separately on the left and right. Outstandingly precise, responsive and needs-based.

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EMC 2 Animation

EMC-2: the intelligent online automatic metering system with e-bike technology. AXIS H EMC measures and regulates the current application rate fully automatically on the left and right metering slides separately.

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GapSpread: Section control in perfection

GapSpread makes a decisive contribution to greater fertiliser efficiency and environmental protection in cost-intensive and environmentally relevant plant nutrition.

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VariSpread dynamic - Animation

All RAUCH ISOBUS fertiliser spreaders in the new AXIS.2 series with mechanical or hydraulic spreading disc drive are equipped with the new stepless VariSpread dynamic part-width section control.

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AX-Drive - Animation

The innovative AX-Drive for the spreading discs and the slow-running, fertiliser-friendly agitators is maintenance-free for years. All shafts and angular gears run in an oil or grease bath and are protected from fertiliser dust, dirt, moisture and mechanical damage by a robust frame construction.

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GPS Control - Animation

GPS-Control - precision and convenience in headland and wedge areas. RAUCH QUANTRON-Guide automatically opens and closes the metering slides at the ideal distance from the field boundary with precision and convenience.

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AXMAT duo - Fully automatic spreading pattern control

AXMAT duo: Fully automatic, radar-supported spreading pattern control and regulation.

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