9,400 l Hopper capacity
H-Drive Drive
18 – 50 m Working width
VariSpread Section control
EMC Quantity regulation

AXENT 100.1

With the AXENT 100.1 large area spreader, RAUCH presents a powerful, and completely newly developed all-rounder when it comes to costly fertiliser application. The special feature of AXENT is that it spreads both granulated fertilisers and powdery, organic fertilisers such as lime with the highest degree of precision.

Using a quick-change system, two specifically-designed spreaders can be easily, safely and quickly added to AXENT in just five minutes.

  • AXIS PowerPack for granulated fertiliser
  • Lime PowerPack for lime and organic fertiliser

This saves valuable time and makes using the large area spreader even more profitable.

Conventional large-area spreaders are geared to either spreading granulated products or to spreading powdery fertiliser. The big disadvantage of these is that when both fertiliser granules and lime are spread, unwanted compromises in dosing and straightening inaccuracy need to be taken into account. Until now, the only solution for ambitious farmers has been the costly use of two specialised large area spreaders - one for granulated fertiliser and one for powdery or organic fertiliser.
AXENT solves this problem with an amazingly simple and efficient concept.

Model variants AXENT 100.1

AXENT 100.1 with steering axle Basic machine for the large area spreader with steering axle, bottom suspension with ball head K80, incl. cardan shaft, pneumatic brake system
AXENT 100.1 with rigid axle Basic machine for the large area spreader with rigid axle, bottom attachment with ball head K80, incl. cardan shaft, pneumatic brake system


  • H-Drive

    Wartungsfreie, hydraulische Antriebstechnologie

    The AXIS gearbox offers maximum precision when spreading fertiliser with maintenance-free M-Drive or H-Drive. Efficient, durable and ideal for any size of operation.

    RAUCH has been relying on hydraulic disc drives since the 1990s. The innovative H-Drive keeps the spreading disc speed constant - regardless of the tractor speed. This enables fuel-saving work without spreading errors.

    The speed adjusts optimally during edge and border spreading, so no Telimat is required. Switching from edge to border spreading is done at the touch of a button, manual adjustments increase precision, especially on slopes.

  • CDA spreading technology | remote-controlled

    Precision meets ease of use

    As a further option, the AXIS fertiliser spreaders can be equipped with an electric drop point adjustment. Setting a twin-disc fertiliser spreader has never been so easy. All setting parameters can be easily taken from the clearly laid out fertiliser chart and conveniently entered into the logically structured input screen on the control terminal. It is even easier to transfer the complete setting values from the fertiliser chart smartphone app to the spreader via a WLAN module, which even eliminates the need to enter the data manually. Simply select the fertiliser and the machine is set (optional accessory).

    The high-quality, dust and splash-proof, electric SpeedServo actuators with state-of-the-art sensor technology adjust the setting of the metering slides and the feed points of the coaxial CDA spreading technology fully automatically on the left and right side. At the same time, the specified spreading disc speed is automatically approached on the hydraulically driven AXIS-H spreaders.

    This means that AXIS is precisely matched to the fertiliser type and quality, the spreading material properties, the desired application rate and working width. Manual adjustment steps are completely eliminated with AXIS H; with AXIS M, only the Telimat boundary spreading device needs to be adjusted.

  • EMC®-2

    The intelligent online automatic dosing system with e-bike technology

    AXIS H EMC-2 - Animation

    AXIS EMC® measures and controls the current application rate fully automatically on the left and right metering slides separately. State-of-the-art magnetostriction torque sensors measure the drive torques of the two spreading discs without contact and with high precision, thereby permanently regulating the exact metering slide position for each side separately. EMC® uses the magnetostriction e-bike technology from renowned system partner Schaeffler FAG, which has proven itself millions of times over.

    High precision, elegant ease of use

    For the driver, this means simply entering the spread rate and working width and starting to spread. The spread rate is adjusted in seconds depending on the current fertiliser trickle properties and the driving speed.

    EMC® advantage

    In contrast to spreaders with control via load cells, EMC® doses the left and right sides separately. This enables greater metering precision and accurate lateral distribution.

    EMC® recognises and compensates for quality-related fertiliser flow rate fluctuations much faster than conventional weighing spreaders with weighing cells.

    EMC® doses precisely and reliably even under extreme vibrations.

    EMC® doses with high precision even on slopes.

    EMC® measures the applied quantities in kg with the same high precision as a scale for your documentation.

    The intelligent EMC® metering slide control automatically recognises one-sided blockages and obstructions.

    EMC® precisely measures and controls the different application rates on the right and left when spreading with VariSpread in wedge-shaped areas.

    EMC® measures and controls the different spread rates on the right and left when fertilising with partial area precision from application maps or with N-sensors.


    Utilising synergies - increasing efficiency

    Innovative RAUCH ISOBUS technology for the ISOBUS fertiliser spreaders enables familiar operation with existing ISOBUS operating terminals from a wide range of suppliers and machines.

    Find out more about the ISOBUS terminals here

  • VariSpread pro

    The extended section control from RAUCH optimises fertiliser application, reduces overlaps and saves resources - for maximum efficiency in the field.

    AXIS H 30.2/50.2 EMC (+W) and AXIS M 30.2/50.2 EMC (+W) with VariSpread pro feature electric feed point adjustment and thus adjust the working width and spread rate during the spreading travel in a smooth process.

    Thanks to the RAUCH SpeedServo servomotors, the spread rate and working width are continuously and steplessly adjusted to field wedges, sloping headlands or non-emerging tramlines in one metre steps, even at high working speeds.

    Another new feature is GapSpreading, which allows you to switch off from the outside and inside at the same time.

  • High-Speed-Servos

    The big SpeedServo advantage:

    The adjustment speeds of the SpeedServos are 2.5 times higher compared to the predecessor spindle motor models. This enables superior reaction speeds and new performance dimensions for AXIS M EMC ISOBUS spreaders and AXIS H EMC spreaders for fully automatic fertiliser metering with EMC, headland spreading with OptPoint, section-specific spreading with application maps and part-width spreading with Section-Control.

    Despite significantly lower power consumption, SpeedServos enable up to three times higher actuating forces than comparable spindle motors. The superior energy efficiency creates ideal conditions for use in ISOBUS machines, as the ISOBUS standard limits the electrical power.

    SpeedServos can also be protected much more efficiently against dust and dirt, as there is no longer a sensitive, extendable lifting rod. The effective, long-term sealing against moisture and dust and the simple, robust SpeedServo design enable extra-long service lives for the valuable electronic components.

  • AXIS PowerPack

    Hydraulically driven spreading unit for high spreading precision with granulated fertilisers

    The AXIS PowerPack of the AXENT enables high-precision fertiliser application of granulated fertilisers with even distribution, ideal for large areas.

    AXIS-PowerPack is the hydraulically driven spreading unit for high spreading precision with granulated fertilisers.

    The special feature is that the belt conveyor system fills a pre-chamber above the spreading discs. The fully automatic EMC metering electronics (electronic mass flow control and regulation) controls the metering slides on the left and right separately at the bottom of the pre-chamber.

    The great AXIS PowerPack advantage: all RAUCH fertiliser technology innovations of the AXIS three-point spreaders can also be used for AXENT:

    • Convenient operation with modern ISOBUS universal terminals
    • The use of common ISOBUS applications
    • The VariSpread pro part-width section control system
    • The precise OptiPoint GPS headland control system
    • Remote-controlled, precise edge and border spreading on the left and right side
    • All common precision farming applications
    • AXENT is equipped with a rear view camera and SpreadLight working lights as standard
  • UNIVERSAL PowerPack

    Hydraulisch angetriebenes Streuwerk für Feuchtkalk und ähnliche mehlige oder organische Dünger

    The Lime PowerPack of the AXENT enables the precise and even distribution of lime and floury fertilisers, ideal for large-scale applications.

    Das Streuwerk für Feuchtkalk und ähnliche mehlige oder organische Dünger wird ebenfalls hydraulisch angetrieben.

    Das Streugut fließt direkt vom Förderband auf die robusten Wurfscheiben. Dadurch werden Staueffekte vermieden. Im Gegensatz zum AXIS-PowerPack dosiert jetzt die Bandgeschwindigkeit die Dosiermenge in Abhängigkeit von der Fahrgeschwindigkeit und der gewünschten Ausbringmenge. Serienmäßig ist AXENT mit Lime-Powerpack mit einer Abkämmwalze ausgestattet, die für einen kontinuierlichen Gutstrom auf die Scheibe sorgt und die Streugenauigkeit erheblich verbessert.

    Die spezielle AXENT Behälterform mit steilen Behälterwänden, einer ausgetüftelten Abrisskante und dem breiten Dosierkanal ermöglichen auch mit Gummiband eine hohe Funktionssicherheit. Dadurch wird auch bei Streugütern mit problematischen Rieseleigenschaften eine optimale, gleichbleibende Streupräzision erreicht.

    Optional kann bei AXENT auch ein Rüttler an der Behälterwand nachgerüstet werden.


Hopper cover | AXENT

The hopper cover reliably protects the spreading material and can be effortlessly opened.




RAUCH AXMAT duo | Fully automatic, radar-based spreading pattern control

The new AXMAT duo has 54 radar sensors positioned in a stationary, semi-circular shape below the two fertiliser spreader discs.

AXMAT duo scans the area that was spread online using its innovative radar technology. After scanning, the intelligent software instantly recognises the location, character and expansion of the spread pattern. Within fractions of a second, a new setting for the AXIS spreading technology is calculated once spread pattern deviations have been detected and the spreading area is driven to remotely with the help of the extra-fast SpeedServo motors. Fully automatic, the spreading pattern is optimised every second by adjusting the fertiliser output point on the spreader discs on both sides separately.

AXMAT duo opens up new worlds of performance when it comes to professional fertiliser technology. Negative influences caused by the fertiliser properties or the ambient conditions are automatically detected and compensated for while spreading. AXMAT certainly impresses users with its wide range of usage options for fertiliser granules and slug pellets. The system is only limited if precise spreading is no longer technically possible due to fertiliser quality, weather conditions or the selected working width or spreader discs.

The dream of the self-adjusting fertiliser spreader is now a reality thanks to AXIS H 50.2 EMC®+W and AXMAT duo in conjunction with EMC automatic metering technology for the left and right dispensing gates.

AXMAT is only available for AXIS H 50.2 EMC®+W (NG job computer, from SN 09-050000 onwards).

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SpreadLight | AXIS

Modern GPS-controlled OptiPoint headland management systems and VariSpread section controls make precise fertiliser spreading possible - even at night. So far, however, it has been very difficult for the driver to visually check the individual spreader functions while spreading in the dark. In addition, obstacles in the spreading area pose a risk at night.

Thanks to the SpreadLight work lights, RAUCH has solved these problems. Modern, powerful LED work lights directly above the two spreader discs of the fertiliser spreader illuminate the spread fans on the left and right side.

The driver has the spread fan in full view thanks to SpreadLight. Possible incorrect settings or clogging at the dispensing gates are recognised immediately. Moreover, the operator can respond more quickly to difficult-to-detect obstacles or danger spots in the outer spreading area in the dark, especially when it comes to wide spreading widths.</p<p>Unlike the tractor's work lights, SpreadLight is specifically aimed at the spreading fan. The fertiliser granules thereby reflect the intensive LED light.

As simple as it is convenient, SpreadLight is remotely controlled by the ISOBUS terminal via a touchscreen. The operator can choose whether the headlamps are permanently lit or automatically switch off and on in the headland in order to avoid blinding oncoming traffic on the road. SpreadLight can be retrofitted as an option for all mechanical and hydraulically driven RAUCH AXIS.2 ISOBUS fertiliser spreaders.

Rear view camera

The RAUCH rear-view camera for RAUCH ISOBUS fertiliser spreaders also provides a good view to the rear, even on tall machines. This increases work safety when manoeuvring and also when spreading. The robust camera body is attached to the rear of the spreader. A protective plate prevents radiation and reduces the dirtying of the optics. The direction of the camera can be adjusted depending on the application.

The rear-view camera is compatible with the RAUCH ISOBUS universal terminals. Moreover, the camera can be connected to all terminals that have an AEF-compliant video input.

The rear-view camera is available for use with AXIS-ISOBUS, AXENT and AGT.

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Limited border spreading H-Drive

No Telimat is needed with the hydraulically driven fertiliser spreaders AXIS-H 30 and 50, since the unilateral reduction in the speed of the spreading discs in combination with an adjustment of the fertiliser output point produces a sharply demarcated boundary spreading pattern. This type of border spreading is even more precise, it fulfils the requirements of the European environmental standard and is also approved under the German Fertiliser Ordinance.

  • Border spreading right and left
  • Border spreading at the touch of a button
  • Remote-controlled switching from edge to border spreading
  • Individual adjustment of the disc speed on the border side when, for instance, spreading occurs on an uphill incline or at a water ditch.

Practical test set

More safety when spreading

RAUCH PPS 5 Practical test set permits cross-distribution to be checked and corrected quickly and easily in the field. This provides even more reliability and accuracy during spreading, particularly with fertilisers of lower quality, problematic discharge properties or unknown origin.

In combination with the clear and comprehensible AXIS-CDA tuning logic, corrections are amazingly easy and secure.

PPS 5 components:

  • 10 collecting trays
  • 5 measuring cylinders
  • 1 roller tape measure
  • clear, logical operating instructions.


RAUCH Connect
RAUCH Connect
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Limited border spreading GSE AXIS/AXENT

The GSE 30 and GSE 60 enable sharp-edged border spreading on the left and right side directly on the field boundary with half-side spreading. The distance to the border can be varied between 0 to 3 m. GSE 30 is the thrower shield for AXIS 20.2 / 30.2. GSE 60 is suitable for use with AXIS 50.2 and AXENT.

Optionally, GSE 30/60 can be remotely controlled hydraulically using the FHD 30-60 remote control via a double acting tractor control valve.

Another option is the GSE sensor. This shows the current status of the GSE in the operating screen of the software.




Technical data and equipment

Model variantAXENT 100.1 with steering axleAXENT 100.1 with rigid axle
Basic machine
Working width [ m ]18 – 5018 – 50
Hopper volume [ l ]9,4009,400
Max. capacity [ kg ]8,4008,400
Container size [ cm ]450 x 220450 x 220
Filling height [ cm ]295295
Filling width [ cm ]450450
Empty weight [ kg ]4,6004,600
Track width [ cm ]200 x 225200 x 225
Tractor attachmentDrawnDrawn
Axle typeSteering axleRigid axle
HitchingBottom hitchingBottom hitching
Axle load [ t ]1010
BrakeHydraulic brakePneumatic brake
DriveM drive: Wide-angle universal drive shaft with Vario pump 650-1,000 rpm, Electrical agitator drive with auto-stopM drive: Wide-angle universal drive shaft with Vario pump 650-1,000 rpm, Electrical agitator drive with auto-stop
Electrical agitator drive with auto-stopYesYes
Slide actuation/quantity regulationEMC mass flow controlEMC mass flow control
ServomotorsSlide actuation elec. HighSpeed servos-
W remaining quantity scalesYesYes
Variable Rate ControlYesYes
ElectronicsISOBUS electronics with job computerISOBUS electronics with job computer
Section controlVariSpread pro partial width controllerVariSpread pro partial width controller
Limited border spreadingLimited border spreading with H-Drive, Limited border spreading with GSELimited border spreading with H-Drive, Limited border spreading with GSE
Wet lime + organic fertiliserYesYes

Our RAUCH large-area spreaders

We know that profitability and success in agriculture depend on how efficiently you can utilise large areas in order to fully exploit the yield potential. We have found an answer to this question in our research centre. Our large-area spreaders combine high-precision and demand-oriented fertiliser application with mechanical efficiency and maximum safety. This enables economical working to reach a new level, making you competitive in the future too. Get to know our large-area spreaders now.

You will find your large-area spreader with us

100 years of experience and numerous patents and awards show that we know what we are doing. Progress and innovation have characterised our path and will continue to do so in the future. Every day, we endeavour to consistently develop ourselves and our large-area spreaders in order to support you even more efficiently in your work. A high level of service is just as much a matter of course for us as acting sustainably wherever we can. You also receive a guaranteed supply of spare parts for every large-area spreader and will find a wide range of accessories in our product range.

Our experts will be happy to help you with your selection and will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please contact us without obligation contact us without obligation or visit one of the selected RAUCH dealers on site. Here you can experience our large-area spreaders live.

AXENT 100.1 large-area spreader

The AXENT 100.1 large-area spreader is a true all-rounder that shows its strengths with two spreading units on large areas. The AXIS PowerPack ensures the precise spreading of granulated and pelletised fertilisers, while the UNIVERSAL PowerPack efficiently spreads wet lime and dry organic fertiliser. When developing the systems for the large-area spreader, we made sure that the spreading units can be replaced quickly and easily in just a few minutes. Each of the hydraulically driven spreading units in combination with our fully automatic AXIS EMC® metering electronics and working widths of up to 50 metres allow you to get the most out of your area.

Our AXENT 100.1 large-area spreader models:

  • AXENT 100.1 with steering axle
  • AXENT 100.1 with rigid axle

Experience top performance, unique progress and maximum productivity for yourself with our large-area spreaders, which we still produce in Germany using high-quality raw materials.

TWS 85.1 large-area spreader

Are you looking for a large-area spreader that guarantees maximum flexibility with precise fertilisation technology and maximum impact power? The TWS 85.1 impresses with its sophisticated 3-point linkage fertiliser spreader concept and has a particularly high volume. The weight of our large-area spreader is distributed over three axles to protect the soil. In combination with our pioneering QUANTRON-A TWS control unit, which takes over the fully automatic fertiliser transfer function, you can sustainably increase the efficiency of professional fertilisation, conveniently and easily.

With the model variants of our large-area spreader, you can choose a model that exactly meets your needs:

  • TWS 85.1 M with cardan shaft drive
  • TWS 85.1 H with hydraulic disc drive